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Azure Flock


Sophia Zhang, Charcoal and Pastel Chalk, 14X18 in, Scholastic Art Award, Silver Key

The Spix’s macaw is a species of macaw native to Brazil. Due to deforestation, habitat loss, and illegal poaching, they are critically endangered and nearing extinction, with only about 160 left in captivity.



Sophia Zhang, Charcoal and Pastel Chalk, 14X18 in, Best in Show Award

The saola, also known as the spindlehorn, Asian unicorn, or vu kuang ox, is one of the world's rarest large mammals. Saola resemble antelope and inhabit the Annamite Mountains of Vietnam and Laos. They are critically endangered, as they are rarely seen in the wild, with none existing in captivity.

Mangrove Forest


Sophia Zhang, Charcoal and Pastel Chalk, 14X18 in

Mangroves are trees or shrubs that grow in intertidal regions off tropical and subtropical coastlines. They are crucial to ecosystems, stabilizing coastlines and serving as a habitat to many species of aquatic wildlife, including parrotfish, which seek shelter and protection within the underwater roots of mangrove trees.

Smilondon Skull


Sophia Zhang, Color Pencil, 14X18 in

Smilodon is a genus of extinct prehistoric predators, including the saber-toothed tiger. The skull of a saber-toothed cat can measure up to 35 cm long, with canines up to 18 cm long.



Sophia Zhang, Scratchboard, 8X11 in

Canis lupus


Sophia Zhang, drawing, 13X20 in

The Tiger


Sophia Zhang, Color Pencil, 12X15 in, Scholastic Art Award, Gold Key

Running in the Wind


Sophia Zhang, watercolor painting, 8x10 in, Scholastic Art Award, Silver Key

Atelopus varius


Sophia Zhang, Charcoal and Chalk Pastel, 12X15 in

Fiji Crested Iguana


Sophia Zhang, Charcoal and Chalk Pastel, 12X15 in

Wading Sumatran


Sophia Zhang, Charcoal and Chalk Pastel, 18X24 in

Hine’s Emerald Dragonfly


Sophia Zhang, Charcoal and Chalk Pastel, 8X10 in

Singapore Freshwater Crabs


Sophia Zhang, Charcoal and Chalk Pastel, 8X10 in